Thursday, February 12, 2009

മുയല്‍ ഫ്രൈ ,RABBIT FRY


rabbit, 4 cups of fine bread crumbs, 2 tbsp. onions, 1/4 cup margarine, three or four thin slices of salt pork, 1/2 tsp. salt, 2 tbsp. savory, 1/4 tsp. pepper.
Gravy: 2tbsp. flour, dairy sour cream
Pastry: 1/3 cup margarine, 1 cup flour, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1/2 tsp. salt, 2 or 3 tbsp. cold water.


In a mixing bowl, mix together 4 cups of bread crumbs, 2 tbsp. of chopped onion, 1/4 cup of soft margarine, 1/2 tsp. salt, 2 tbsp. savory, and 1/4 tsp. pepper.

Stuff the rabbit with the dressing and fasten with skewers.
Place in roasting pan and lay four or five slices of fat port across the top.
Add a little water and cover the pan
Bake at 350F degrees or until the meat is tender (about 25 minutes per pound.)
Remove from oven and make gravy.

Skim fat from cooking liquid, reserving 2 tablespoons.
In a saucepan, heat the 2 tbsp. fat and blend in 2 tbsp. flour.
Gradually stir in 1 cup of the liquid remaining in the roasting pan from the meat.
Cook, stirring until thickened.
Mix in 1 cup of dairy sour cream and heat thoroughly.

Pour the gravy over the rabbit and cover with pastry. (See recipe which follows.) Return to oven.
Bake at 450F degrees until the pastry is browned.
Serve at once

Cut margarine into flour, baking powder, and salt until the mixture resembles bread crumbs.
Sprinkle in water, 1 tbsp. at a time and mix.
Gather the pastry into a ball and place on lightly floured board.
Roll out the pastry to the correct size to cover the rabbit.

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